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UNECE Certification

UNECE Certification Services

Kanifnath Enterprises adapts and rigorously conforms to the ISO 17021 certification standards, in order to better meet the manufacturers needs and to be more in line with what is required by the regulations. UNECE Certification Services Through a network of qualified inspectors, with proven experience in the sector, inserted in an available and dynamic structure, KE , ensures competence and flexibility in the activities carried out.

With these assumptions, Kanifnath Enterprises offers further solutions in order to fully satisfy the needs of its customers, with the achievement of the following Certifications.

UNECE (United Nations Economic Commission for Europe) certification is a type of approval that verifies that a specific type of vehicle meets safety and environmental standards. UNECE certification is recognized by many countries around the world and is required for vehicles to be sold or imported in some regions.

What is UNECE Certification for Vehicle Type Approval?

UNECE certification is a process that ensures that a vehicle meets safety, environmental, and technical standards as set out by the United Nations. It is required for vehicles to be sold or imported in many regions around the world, including Europe, Asia, and Africa. The UNECE regulations are based on international standards and cover a wide range of topics, including emissions, safety features, and performance.

Benefits of UNECE Certification for Vehicle Type Approval:

  1. Improved Safety: UNECE certification ensures that vehicles meet strict safety standards, which can help reduce accidents and save lives.

  2. Environmentally Friendly: UNECE certification ensures that vehicles meet strict environmental standards, which can help reduce pollution and protect the environment.

  3. Global Recognition: UNECE certification is recognized in many countries around the world, making it easier for manufacturers to sell their vehicles in multiple markets.

  4. Cost Savings: By obtaining UNECE certification, manufacturers can streamline their certification process, which can help reduce costs and speed up time to market.

A wide range of EU regulations exists to ensure that consumer products and materials are safe and effective to use by European citizens. One of strictest class of products include EU regulations for passenger cars, trucks, buses, along with agricultural tractors.

What Are the Benefits of ECE Automotive Regulations?

The benefits of ECE Automotive Regulations are numerous. By setting a high standard for safety, environmental, and consumer protection requirements, the ECE helps to reduce the risk of accidents and fatalities, protect the environment, and protect consumers from being taken advantage of. Additionally, the regulations help to ensure that all vehicles sold in the region are of a high quality and meet all necessary requirements.

ISO 9001: 2015

The latest revision of the ISO 9001 standard for the most famous Company Quality certification in the world. Guaranteeing one value becomes increasingly necessary to compete in an ever wider market. It is often requested for participation in tenders and for qualification in the supplier register of many companies.

ISO 14001: 2015

ISO 14001 certification is a standard that is aimed at all companies that want to demonstrate their commitment to the environment. It is requested in many public tenders, especially in areas with high environmental impact.


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OHSAS 18001: 2007

The OHSAS 18001 certification is an English standard, which has as its objective the respect of the regulation on safety at work, the improvement of working environments and the prevention of risks and accidents in the workplace.

ISO 27001: 2013

The ISO 27001 certification is a standard aimed at companies operating in the Information Technology sector. Keeping your security and data protection systems under control is the nerve center of the standard. Request for the AGID qualification and for any company that manages sensitive computer data deriving from the public administration.

ISO 22000: 2005

ISO 22000 certification is a standard aimed at companies operating in the agri-food sector. Keeping your production and distribution processes under control in compliance with HACCP regulations is the key point of this regulation, which ensures the food safety of company products.

EN 12642 XL

Structural strength of the vehicle

Automotive Technical Service performs tests with the release of voluntary certification, according to EN 12642, it is in fact possible at our facilities to certify the preparation of vehicles with mass> 3,500 kg according to the directive EN 12642 code XL A / B.

These transport units are characterized by a label bearing the code or depending on the resistance, and are accompanied by a certificate attesting compliance with the EN 12642 standard, indicating the forces in daN that each can support. wall.



Automotive Technical Service carries out checks to obtain the T-PED certification for pressure vessels, as dictated by the most recent Directive 2010/35 / EU. unece certification services The Directive includes both newly manufactured products and existing equipment. Periodic inspection activities are also planned to verify the maintenance of the safety requirements necessary for the reuse of transportable pressure equipment.

Typical products falling within the scope of the Directive are: Cisterns, Cylinders, Medical gas containers, Cylinders or tubes, UNECE Certification Services, Cylinder frames and Cryogenic containers

Checks GRU

 Kanifnath Enterprises carries out periodic checks on cranes and platforms installed on trucks, according to the legislation in force in San Marino.

The periodic checks are aimed at ascertaining compliance with the installation methods provided in the instructions for use, Homologation Certification for UN ECE the state of maintenance and conservation and the maintenance of the safety conditions of the work equipment and the efficiency of the safety and control devices. To guarantee the safety, safety and health of its employees, the employer has the obligation to periodically check the equipment.

The equipment is divided into three groups:

  • Group SC
  • SP Group
  • GVR group



Kanifnath Enterprises carries out the  risk assessment with classification of ATEX risk environments pursuant to Legislative Decree 81 of 9 April 2008 Title IX. atmosphere means a mixture with air, at atmospheric conditions, Homologation Certification for UN ECE of flammable substances in the state of gas, vapors, mists or dusts.

Safety in the workplace with risk of  regulated at European level by Directive 1992/92 / EC ATEX Work, related is Directive 2014/34 / EU ATEX Products. The directive was implemented in San Marino with a decree.

The employer must divide the areas in which atmospheres may form into zones, for the classification of areas or places, reference can be made to the harmonized technical standards relating to specific sectors, including:

EN 60079-10 (CEI 31-30) Classification of dangerous places and subsequent modifications;
EN 61241-10 (CEI 31-66) Classification of areas where combustible dusts are or may be present and subsequent modifications; and related guides:
CEI 31-35 and CEI 31-56; and for the analysis of hazards, unece certification services risk assessment and prevention and protection measures, according to the standard:
EN 1127-1 atmospheres. prevention and protection. Part 1: Fundamental concepts and methodology.

Other UN ECE Certifications Services

We are able to issue certifications according to national standards voluntarily and according to international standards. 

If You Are Looking For Vehicle Homologation, Homologation of vehicle components and systems In Pune. You’ve Come To The Right Place.

ECE Automotive Regulations Vehicle

The Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) creates a uniform system of regulations relating to vehicle design.  ECE automotive vehicle regulations which are compliant with ECE automotive regulations receive an e-Mark certificate. This certificate, is mandatory for all automotive components and vehicles sold in the European Economic Area (EEA). ECE Automotive Regulations encompass a wide range of areas, including vehicle safety, emissions control, lighting and signaling devices, braking systems, vehicle dimensions, and more. They provide specific technical requirements and test procedures that manufacturers must comply with to ensure that vehicles meet minimum safety and environmental standards.

Understanding ECE Automotive Vehicle Regulations – A Path to Safer and Standardized Vehicles

ECE automotive vehicle regulations, established by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), are a set of standardized guidelines aimed at enhancing vehicle safety, environmental sustainability, and technological innovation. Comprising a diverse range of regulations, these guidelines ensure that vehicles meet specific criteria, promoting a safer and more consistent automotive industry.

E-Mark Certification / UN ECE Certifications Services

Automotive component emark certification

Transportation Homologation – EC / ECE (e-mark, E-mark) – An E-Mark certifies that your vehicle, systems, technical units and components are compliant with the relevant UN-ECE / EU / ECE Regulations and can be marketed in the EU Automotive component emark certification, as well as other countries / regions which have signed up to the ECE vehicle regulations. EU type approval is mandatory for whole vehicles, automotive systems, technical units and components, conformity of production (CoP).

Homologation – EC / ECE (e-mark, E-mark) involves assessment of the product’s performance and assessment of the testing facility. The Homologation EU / ECE (e-mark, E-mark),  UN ECE e-mark certification type approval certification, E-mark Homologation consultants process starts with collection of all technical documentation. Then tests are carried out and report is completed, and conformity of production (CoP) clearance has been granted and then applicants will be issued with a type approval certification Manufacturers are then able to affix the type approval mark (e-Mark / e-mark ) to their compliant components and issue certificates of conformity (CoC) for vehicles using them

Certificate of conformity (CoC) – is a document  issued by a manufacturer, certifying that a vehicle has been produced under the same production processes and systems and meets the standards.

Certifications for connected car components, systems, and vehicles:-  is a  process of ensuring that system components are manufactured according to connected vehicle interoperability requirements, to perform as intended. Certification ensures that users can trust that the components will work within the system.


European and International Regulation

KE can assist you to enter the european automotive market an export vehicles and components to the EU with confidence and comply with the (UN-ECE) and in european type approval certification services(EU) regulations. Our experts provide type approval and homologation services for the various vehicle categories like passenger cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, trailers, agricultural and forestry vehicles. We also provide homologation services for a complete set of automotive systems (e.g. heating / cooling, or anti-theft systems) and components (e.g. coupling devices, brakes, lamps or tyres) to help you meet the relevant EU european type approval certification services directives and ensure that your products are certified with the e-Mark.

We offer e-Mark certification services with the following EU regulations:

Regulation (EU) 2018/858 (former Directive 2007/46/EC)
Regulation (EU) 167/2013
Regulation (EU) 168/2013

We also carry out conformity of production (CoP) test clearance testing and inspection. Particularly for manufacturers outside of the EU, this helps reduce the costs of homologation

We also offer European Commission Technical Service Category A to D certification, according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025

EU / ECE Type Approvals Services

Our professional & expert team guides you in EU / ECE
certification services throughout the entire homologation process, including:

  • Guidance on best and most appropriate testing approval route
  • Selecting particular test specimens of your products
  • Preparing the required administrative documentation
  • Guidance on legislation changes and the required approval
  • Project management of type approval procedures

Benefits of ECE Type Approvals services

Securing ECE Type Approvals opens doors to numerous markets, increasing the marketability and credibility of your products. It signifies that your product complies with stringent international standards, demonstrating your commitment to quality and safety.

To minimise time and investment, we guide you about various regulations applicable to your product so  ECE type approvals services that you can meet different regulations and can achieve multiple certifications within a single project.

Frequently Asked Questions

UNECE Certificate of Vehicle Type Approval is a certification issued by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) that certifies that a vehicle type meets the relevant technical requirements and standards set by UNECE. This certificate is recognized internationally and is required for the registration and sale of vehicles in many countries.

The process for obtaining UNECE Certificate of Vehicle Type Approval involves several steps, including testing and evaluation of the vehicle type, submission of technical documentation, and inspection of the production facility. The exact process may vary depending on the type of vehicle and the country where the certification is sought.

Any manufacturer or importer of vehicles can apply for UNECE Certificate of Vehicle Type Approval. However, the manufacturer must meet the relevant technical requirements and standards set by UNECE.

There are currently 149 distinct ECE automotive vehicle regulations, each addressing specific safety and performance criteria to ensure standardized and safe vehicles across the globe. These regulations cover a wide range of aspects from emissions to vehicle construction, fostering international automotive uniformity.

ECE automotive regulations are established by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and are widely adopted in Europe and other countries around the world. While other countries have their own automotive regulations, ECE regulations are often considered more stringent in terms of safety and emissions standards.

UNECE Certificate of Vehicle Type Approval is an internationally recognized certification that meets the technical requirements and standards set by UNECE. Other types of certification may be issued by individual countries or regions and may have different requirements and standards.

Yes, Kanifnath Enterprises can assist with the process of obtaining UNECE Certificate of Vehicle Type Approval by providing technical consultancy, testing and evaluation services, and guidance on the submission of technical documentation. They can also assist with the inspection of the production facility to ensure compliance with UNECE standards.

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+91 9158054333

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STA Approval Consultancy,  Automotive component emark certification, conformity of production (CoP) test, E-Mark Certification, European and International Regulation, UN ECE  e-mark certification, Homologation Certification for UN ECE, ECE automotive regulation, Homologation – EC / ECE (e-mark, E-mark), EU / ECE type approvals services, Certificate of conformity (CoC), ECE automotive regulations, Project management of type approval procedures, european type approval certification services, UN ECE e-mark certification, E-mark Homologation consultants, UNECE Certification Services, E-MARK certification process, EU type approval services, European motor vehicle regulations,