Company Profile
About Kanifnath Enterprises :-
A company based in Pune, Maharashtra with a solid and dynamic reality made up of experts with extensive experience in Homologation of automotive components inspection. It is headquartered in Pune and has representative offices and branches in different countries. Kanifnath Enterprises is a technical service designated by the Homologation Authority of San Marino through which certificates of registration of vehicles, components, technical units and vehicle systems in general are issued with the code E57, UNECE identification for the Republic of San Marino.
With the decision of Accredia’s Sector Accreditation Committee, Automotive Technical Service received accreditation as an inspection body in the ISP program. By decision of the Accredia Sector Accreditation Commission, the Automotive Technical Service has obtained accreditation, in the ISP scheme, as a control body. With this accreditation, Kanifnath Enterprises is able to perform inspections on complete vehicles, components and systems, and in other areas, according to ISO / IEC 17020: 2012.
European homologation Certificate /ECE Homologation and type approval certification for exporting Automotive Components to the EU and other international markets is essential. Type approval certificates can only be issued by authorities after product tests and inspections. It must comply with the respective national, EU, ECE and other national regulations of the world. Obtaining the type-approval certification is necessary for the manufacturer to be able to mass-produce its products. Our organization has all the knowledge and tools necessary to perform tests and inspections, draw up test reports and carry out all the checks and assessments relating to compliance with the technical-regulatory requirements and to assist the manufacturer at every stage of the approval process. We help in the process of certifying Homologation of automotive components that is certifying vehicles or a particular component in a vehicle. This is mandatory to get this approval to export automobile products or components. We are here to help you for the same!