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Distance Inspections With ATS IRS

Remote inspections with ATS IRS (Inspection Remote System), ATS experts and inspectors present for the inspection using the innovative platform.

Using the latest technologies, inspections can now be performed at your facilities, under the control of an ATS inspection expert, anywhere in the world. IRS, our innovative platform, which allows you to connect with an ATS inspection expert who will guide you, remotely and in real time, throughout all phases of the inspection process.

By entering the ATS website, you have direct access to the IRS section, the “reserved area” exclusively for ATS inspectors. ATS IRS is usable on desktop or other Wi-Fi connected device.

The remote inspection will be performed by an ATS inspector, who will guide you through the flow of inspection in each step. It is possible to attend the remote inspection, requested and interact with the inspector during his inspection phases directly on site.
The inspection will be recorded, to allow the ATS inspector to take photos of the inspection process (relating to the component, vehicle, or other product), and once completed, the entire recorded inspection will be made available for the completion of the final inspection and inspection report, or for any requests to the bodies responsible for approvals.


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